Cov khoom

Cov khoom

  • Tsis Siv Neeg Qhov Rooj Cua Da Dej

    Tsis Siv Neeg Qhov Rooj Cua Da Dej

    Cov chav da dej cua txais cov qauv dav hlau cua ntws.Cov kiv cua centrifugal nias cov cua lim los ntawm lub lim dej ua ntej hauv lub thawv tsis zoo rau hauv lub thawv siab zoo li qub, thiab tom qab ntawd cov cua huv uas tawm los ntawm cov cua nozzle hla mus rau thaj chaw ua haujlwm ntawm qee qhov cua ceev.Cov plua plav thiab cov khoom siv roj ntsha ntawm tib neeg thiab cov khoom raug muab tshem tawm, kom ua tiav lub hom phiaj ntawm kev ntxuav.

  • Fresh nqaij mincer thiab nqaij grinder tshuab
  • Tsis siv neeg nqaij Patty txoj kev tshuab

    Tsis siv neeg nqaij Patty txoj kev tshuab

    Lub 100-Kuv tsis siv neeg nqaij patty txoj kev tshuab tuaj yeem ua tiav cov filling / forming, sticking, tso zis thiab lwm yam txheej txheem ntawm txhaws.Nws tuaj yeem tsim cov khoom nrov xws li hamburger patties, cola qaib nuggets, ntses-flavored hamburger patties, qos yaj ywm patties, taub dag, nqaij skewers, thiab lwm yam. zaub mov factories.

  • Nqaij pob txha Saw Machine

    Nqaij pob txha Saw Machine

    304 Stainless hlau khoom

    Hais txog pob txha pom tshuab, peb muaj ntau yam qauv, xws li 260 tabletop, 260 ntsug hom, 300, 370, 350, 400, 500, 600

    Nqaij Pob Txha Pom Tshuab Nqaij Tej Tshuab

  • Zaub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws centrifugal spin dryer

    Zaub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws centrifugal spin dryer

    Nws yog siv rau lub cev qhuav dej, ntim thiab khaws cia ntau yam zaub.Nws yog lub tshuab tshwj xeeb rau lub cev qhuav dej ntawm cov zaub.Nws yog tsim rau cov khw nojmov, kev lom zem zaub mov, supermarkets, khw muag khoom noj, ua zaub mov thiab hauv nruab nrab chav ua noj.

  • Stainless Hlau Platform Tes Truck

    Stainless Hlau Platform Tes Truck

    Feem ntau siv rau hauv tsev, Hoobkas chav ua noj thiab chav ua haujlwm tu

    Ib qho yooj yim los ntxuav, nruab thiab thauj

    High quality, muaj zog thiab ruaj khov

  • Kev Lag Luam Stainless Hlau Ua Haujlwm Table

    Kev Lag Luam Stainless Hlau Ua Haujlwm Table

    Nws yog ua los ntawm 304/201 stainless hlau, uas zoo nkauj thiab huv,corrosion-resistant, acid-pov thawj, alkali-pov thawj, plua plav-pov thawj, thiab anti-static.Nws tuaj yeem tiv thaiv covkev loj hlob ntawm cov kab mob thiab yog qhov chaw ua haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws rau kev siv dav hauv txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej.Nws yog tsim nyograu kev lag luam ua zaub mov, nqaij segmentation / zaub mov ntim / khoomsib dhos thiablwm qhov chaw ua haujlwm.Nws yog dav siv hauv cov khoom noj khoom haus, tsev noj mov, tsev so, tsev noj mov, tsev kawm ntawv,tsev kho mob, thiab lwm yam.

  • Ob Lub Taub Hau Zaub Washer Tshuab

    Ob Lub Taub Hau Zaub Washer Tshuab

    Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev txiav thiab sib piv ntawm cov hauv paus zaub, nplooj zaub, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, qhov muag teev, thiab tag nrho cov zaub.Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, nws tseem tsim nyog rau de-mudging thiab ntxuav cov ntses me me, cws qhuav, nqaij nruab deg, seaweed, thiab lwm yam.



  • Nyuj Slaughter Line

    Nyuj Slaughter Line

    nyuj slaughter kab yog tag nrho cov nyuj slaughter txheej txheem.Nws xav tau cov cuab yeej tua tsiaj thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm.Nws yuav tsum raug sau tseg tias txawm tias qhov kev ua haujlwm siab tshaj ntawm txoj kab slaughtering zoo npaum li cas, nws xav tau cov neeg ua haujlwm los pab lub tshuab ua kom tiav cov slaughtering.With the upgrade of the nyuj slaughter line, we may be able to design the automatic nyuj slaughtering line in the future.

  • Stainless hlau cuab yeej ntxuav tes tank

    Stainless hlau cuab yeej ntxuav tes tank

    304 stainless hlau ntxuav tes dab dej yog siv los ntxuav cov neeg ua haujlwm txhais tes ua ntej nkag mus rau qhov chaw huv.Koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov style, qhov hluav taws xob dej thiab lub qhov hluav taws xob ua kua raws li koj tus kheej xav tau.

  • Tsis siv neeg induction Boots ib lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws

    Tsis siv neeg induction Boots ib lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws

    Lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws no yog siv los ntxuav cov khau khau ib leeg hauv cov khoom noj khoom haus, tsev tua tsiaj, chaw ua noj thiab lwm yam.

    Peb cov channel hom khau raj tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws, cov neeg ua haujlwm tuaj yeem nkag mus tsis tu ncua, txuag sijhawm.

  • One-stop khau boots washer rau nkag mus rau qhov chaw huv

    One-stop khau boots washer rau nkag mus rau qhov chaw huv

    Lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws ib-stop no suav nrog ntxuav tesyog,ziabthiabtshuaj tua kab mob;khau boots ib leeg tu, nkag mus tswj. Nrogthim rov qab dhau los ntawm kev ua haujlwm, haum rau qhov chaw nrog qhov chaw me me.Ua haujlwm siab thiab siv tau.Tag nrho cov nqi ua tau zoo heev.

    Covchannel hom khau raj tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws,cov neeg ua haujlwmtuaj yeem nkag mus tsis tu ncua, txuag sijhawm.Koj tuaj yeem xaiv seb puas yuav sandblast lossis tsis raws li koj xav tau.